But I'm not worried about seeking out the approval of others - that high school thing of joining the club.
Unless you're flat out dead, you have to think of some other questions like: what's on the other side? It brings up issues of God, or no God. How does he play into this? Or he, or she, or it? How does it all play into this?
Josef Albers, Artist (1888) |
William Allingham, Poet (1821) |
Wyatt Earp, Public Servant (1848) |
Al Edwards, Politician (1937) |
Adolf Eichmann, Criminal (1906) |
James Van Fleet, Soldier (1892) |
Adolf Galland, Soldier (1912) |
Neil LaBute, Director (1963) |
Thomas Bailey Aldrich, Poet (1907) |
Arthur Balfour, Statesman (1930) |
John DeLorean, Businessman (2005) |
Frank Lane, Businessman (1981) |