Children had a special status - protected from the outside world - and they dressed for the part in a way that made that special status immediately visible to themselves and the adults.
Before I proposed to my now-wife, I was understandably nervous. My father suggested that I take stock of all of my experiences and relationships with women, from my earliest memories to present day, and see if I had learned anything that might inform my decision.
Josef Albers, Artist (1888) |
William Allingham, Poet (1821) |
Wyatt Earp, Public Servant (1848) |
Al Edwards, Politician (1937) |
Adolf Eichmann, Criminal (1906) |
James Van Fleet, Soldier (1892) |
Adolf Galland, Soldier (1912) |
Neil LaBute, Director (1963) |
Thomas Bailey Aldrich, Poet (1907) |
Arthur Balfour, Statesman (1930) |
John DeLorean, Businessman (2005) |
Frank Lane, Businessman (1981) |