We provide quotations from famous people worldwide. Quotations on different categories like art, love, friendship, peace, funny, business, wisdom, motivational and many others can be found here. We feature popular authors like Martin Luther King Jr, Albert Einstein, William Shakespeare, Mother Teresa, John F. Kennedy, Marilyn Monroe, Winston Churchill, Dalai Lama etc. Feel free to share great quotes with near and dear and also in facebook, twitter and blogs. Our quote of the day page lists famous quotes from different categories every day.
Whenever I'm on tour and I'm in my hotel room and I'm writing and playing my guitar, I go in the bathroom and I record whatever I'm writing in there. It's just what I love to do.
Abu Abbas, Politician (1948) |
Charlie Adam, Athlete (1985) |
Clive Anderson, Entertainer (1952) |
Melvil Dewey, Inventor (1851) |
Susan Dey, Actress (1952) |
Edward Eggleston, Editor (1837) |
Greg Giraldo, Comedian (1965) |
Jahangir Khan, Athlete (1963) |