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Profession » Comedian Quotes
“Such being the nature of mental life, the business of psychology is primarily to describe in detail the various forms which attention or conation assumes upon the different levels of that life.”
“Then I came in twice a week - for my own enjoyment as well as to be a guide. And then we started to apply some of the splinters of the ideas back into the piece.”
Erykah Badu, Musician (1971) |
Jonathan Cain, Musician (1950) |
Johnny Cash, Musician (1932) |
Ahmet Davutoglu, Diplomat (1959) |
Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Politician (1954) |
Elizabeth George, Author (1949) |
Tim Kaine, Politician (1958) |
John Harvey Kellogg, Businessman (1852) |
Hermann Ebbinghaus, Psychologist (1909) |
Levi Eshkol, Statesman (1969) |
Dean Inge, Author (1954) |
William Ralph Inge, Clergyman (1954) |
Karl Jaspers, Psychologist (1969) |
Harry Lauder, Entertainer (1950) |