Four hours of prosthetics every morning, the jowls and the nose, and it was very hot so they're having to attend to it all day, and you're still petrified of so many things, such as, can I speak properly? Hitchcock never quite lost those East End vowels, even though he had the softened California co
My mum has never wanted me to have children. She thinks I would be destroying my life, even now.
Nelson Algren, Novelist (1909) |
Steve Ballmer, Businessman (1956) |
Russell Banks, Author (1940) |
Rick Barry, Athlete (1944) |
Daniel Dennett, Philosopher (1942) |
Richard Eyre, Director (1943) |
Lady Gaga, Musician (1986) |
Nafisa Joseph, Model (1978) |
Karen Kain, Dancer (1951) |
Corliss Lamont, Philosopher (1902) |
Dwight D. Eisenhower, President (1969) |
Dorothy Fields, Musician (1974) |
William Christopher Handy, Musician (1958) |
Eugene Ionesco, Dramatist (1994) |
Emmett Kelly, Entertainer (1979) |
Stephen Leacock, Economist (1944) |