It is not tolerable, it is not possible, that from so much death, so much sacrifice and ruin, so much heroism, a greater and better humanity shall not emerge.
The question really is how do we get Embassy Officers into the minds of the American business community. That is a much more difficult task than understanding a statistical matrix.
Alfonso X, Royalty (1221) |
Vincent Cassel, Actor (1966) |
Paul Celan, Poet (1920) |
Joe Eszterhas, Writer (1944) |
Oded Fehr, Actor (1970) |
Steve Harvey, Actor (1956) |
Boris Karloff, Actor (1887) |
Mary Landrieu, Politician (1955) |
Roy Acuff, Musician (1992) |
Elbridge Gerry, Politician (1814) |
Hanns Johst, Playwright (1978) |