I'm fully aware that 'Doctor Who' will always, always be part of my life, and that's not something I would run away from in the slightest. I wear it with pride, definitely.
In the back of my mind was the constant hankering, almost yearning, to write but something always stopped me in my tracks. Or if I did find my way to put a pen to paper or finger on a keyboard I'd give up after a few minutes. I'd find other things to do: Anything but writing.
Abdallah II, Leader (1962) |
King Abdullah II, Statesman (1962) |
Peter Agre, Scientist (1949) |
Lloyd Alexander, Writer (1924) |
Saul Alinsky, Activist (1909) |
John Baldacci, Politician (1955) |
Christian Bale, Actor (1974) |
Douglas Engelbart, Inventor (1925) |
Gene Hackman, Actor (1930) |
Tom Jenkinson, Musician (1974) |
John Bardeen, Scientist (1991) |
Mahatma Gandhi, Leader (1948) |