These vessels are out of sight, out of mind. They are exempt from minimum-wage requirements, from Coast Guard inspections, OSHA regulations and other safety laws.
America has global trade with plenty of nations that provide inexpensive labor, but it's better for us when they're in our own hemisphere, rather than sending that business halfway around the world.
Beryl Bainbridge, Novelist (1934) |
Odysseas Elytis, Writer (1911) |
Chaka Fattah, Politician (1956) |
Coleman Hawkins, Musician (1904) |
Carly Rae Jepsen, Musician (1985) |
Dr. John, Musician (1940) |
Mary Johnston, Novelist (1870) |
Hugh Kingsmill, Writer (1889) |
Abe Lemons, Coach (1922) |
Max Baer, Athlete (1959) |
Richard Carlson, Author (1977) |
Ellen Glasgow, Novelist (1945) |
Florence Harding, First Lady (1924) |