The show originally started out as a ten hour mini-series. We shot two hours and then were excused for a while, for no apparent reason. Things went very quiet for a time and then a few months later we were called back and told that it was going to be a full season.
I was a healthy young man, and I thought I was invincible before I was diagnosed with kidney disease.
Beryl Bainbridge, Novelist (1934) |
Odysseas Elytis, Writer (1911) |
Chaka Fattah, Politician (1956) |
Coleman Hawkins, Musician (1904) |
Carly Rae Jepsen, Musician (1985) |
Dr. John, Musician (1940) |
Mary Johnston, Novelist (1870) |
Hugh Kingsmill, Writer (1889) |
Abe Lemons, Coach (1922) |
Max Baer, Athlete (1959) |
Richard Carlson, Author (1977) |
Ellen Glasgow, Novelist (1945) |
Florence Harding, First Lady (1924) |