Instead of following one another the sounds overlap; a sound which is acoustically perceived as coming after another one can be articulated simultaneously with the latter or even in part before it.
Quintus Ennius Quotes |
Aulus Gellius Quotes |
Julius Caesar Quotes |
Germanicus Quotes |
Scipio Africanus Quotes |
Flavius Josephus Quotes |
Gaius Valerius Catullus Quotes |
Brady Anderson, Athlete (1964) |
Edmund Barton, Politician (1849) |
Ruben Dario, Poet (1867) |
Jonathan Davis, Musician (1971) |
Gilles Deleuze, Philosopher (1925) |
Curt Flood, Athlete (1938) |
Oliver Hardy, Actor (1892) |
Thomas Jordan Jarvis, Politician (1836) |
Benjamin Todd Jealous, Activist (1973) |
Danny Kaye, Actor (1913) |