Now as of old the gods give men all good things, excepting only those that are baneful and injurious and useless. These, now as of old, are not gifts of the gods: men stumble into them themselves because of their own blindness and folly.
I don't believe in depriving myself of any food or being imprisoned by a diet.
Amy Alcott, Athlete (1956) |
Howard Bach, Athlete (1979) |
Robert Baden-Powell, Soldier (1857) |
Hugo Ball, Author (1886) |
Drew Barrymore, Actress (1975) |
Jonathan Demme, Director (1944) |
Timothy Dexter, Businessman (1748) |
Terry Eagleton, Critic (1943) |
Julius Erving, Athlete (1950) |
Charles O. Finley, Businessman (1918) |
Florence Ballard, Musician (1976) |
John Fahey, Musician (2001) |
Adam Ferguson, Philosopher (1816) |
Chuck Jones, Director (2002) |