Mr. Fitzgerald, I believe that is how he spells his name, seems to believe that plagiarism begins at home.
Men have looked upon the desert as barren land, the free holding of whoever chose; but in fact each hill and valley in it had a man who was its acknowledged owner and would quickly assert the right of his family or clan to it, against aggression.
Brady Anderson, Athlete (1964) |
Edmund Barton, Politician (1849) |
Ruben Dario, Poet (1867) |
Jonathan Davis, Musician (1971) |
Gilles Deleuze, Philosopher (1925) |
Curt Flood, Athlete (1938) |
Oliver Hardy, Actor (1892) |
Thomas Jordan Jarvis, Politician (1836) |
Benjamin Todd Jealous, Activist (1973) |
Danny Kaye, Actor (1913) |