Some day the workers will take possession of your city hall, and when we do, no child will be sacrificed on the altar of profit!
We like the size of the company today given the environment and have no plans to split it up and make it smaller.
Marion Barry, Politician (1936) |
Sarah Caldwell, Celebrity (1924) |
Alan Davies, Actor (1966) |
Michael Finley, Athlete (1973) |
Thomas S. Foley, Politician (1929) |
Bronislaw Geremek, Historian (1932) |
Lewis Gilbert, Director (1920) |
David Gilmour, Musician (1946) |
Kiri Te Kanawa, Musician (1944) |
Herbert Kaufman, Writer (1878) |
Louisa May Alcott, Novelist (1888) |
Jean Baudrillard, Sociologist (2007) |
Nelson Eddy, Musician (1967) |
Alice James, Writer (1892) |