Here's a nation, one of the founding pillars was freedom of speech and freedom of expression. And yet, we have imposed upon people restrictions on what they can say, on what they can think. And the media is the largest proponent of this, crucifying people who say things really quite innocently.
If people are going to complain about stereotyping, it's as likely to be Italian-Americans as gay people.
Beryl Bainbridge, Novelist (1934) |
Odysseas Elytis, Writer (1911) |
Chaka Fattah, Politician (1956) |
Coleman Hawkins, Musician (1904) |
Carly Rae Jepsen, Musician (1985) |
Dr. John, Musician (1940) |
Mary Johnston, Novelist (1870) |
Hugh Kingsmill, Writer (1889) |
Abe Lemons, Coach (1922) |
Max Baer, Athlete (1959) |
Richard Carlson, Author (1977) |
Ellen Glasgow, Novelist (1945) |
Florence Harding, First Lady (1924) |