Almost any film that you do is an opportunity to open you up and make you more aware of an area that you might not be thinking about. That's what is kind of cool, or one of the cool things about this profession.
Chili Davis Quotes |
Patrick Ewing Quotes |
Desmond Dekker Quotes |
Marcus Garvey Quotes |
Donovan Bailey Quotes |
Brady Anderson, Athlete (1964) |
Edmund Barton, Politician (1849) |
Ruben Dario, Poet (1867) |
Jonathan Davis, Musician (1971) |
Gilles Deleuze, Philosopher (1925) |
Curt Flood, Athlete (1938) |
Oliver Hardy, Actor (1892) |
Thomas Jordan Jarvis, Politician (1836) |
Benjamin Todd Jealous, Activist (1973) |
Danny Kaye, Actor (1913) |