The intellectual property situation is bad and getting worse. To be a programmer, it requires that you understand as much law as you do technology.
When I first went to prison, I was even questioning where, God, where are you?
Chili Davis Quotes |
Desmond Dekker Quotes |
Patrick Ewing Quotes |
Donovan Bailey Quotes |
Marcus Garvey Quotes |
Ralph Abernathy, Activist (1926) |
Douglas Adams, Writer (1952) |
Roy Barnes, Politician (1948) |
Malcolm Campbell, Celebrity (1885) |
Brad Carson, Lawyer (1967) |
Sylvia Day, Writer (1973) |
David Elkind, Psychologist (1931) |
Dorothy Gish, Actress (1898) |
Nina Hagen, Musician (1955) |
Nigel Lawson, Politician (1932) |
Eben Alexander, Educator (1910) |
Edmondo De Amicis, Novelist (1908) |
Alexander Fleming, Scientist (1955) |