When one makes a Revolution, one cannot mark time; one must always go forward - or go back. He who now talks about the 'freedom of the press' goes backward, and halts our headlong course towards Socialism.
It worries me a little bit the reach and power of TV. More people saw me in 'The Practice' than will ever see me in all the stage plays I ever do. Which is sort of humbling. Or troubling. Or both.
Nelson Algren, Novelist (1909) |
Steve Ballmer, Businessman (1956) |
Russell Banks, Author (1940) |
Rick Barry, Athlete (1944) |
Daniel Dennett, Philosopher (1942) |
Richard Eyre, Director (1943) |
Lady Gaga, Musician (1986) |
Nafisa Joseph, Model (1978) |
Karen Kain, Dancer (1951) |
Corliss Lamont, Philosopher (1902) |
Dwight D. Eisenhower, President (1969) |
Dorothy Fields, Musician (1974) |
William Christopher Handy, Musician (1958) |
Eugene Ionesco, Dramatist (1994) |
Emmett Kelly, Entertainer (1979) |
Stephen Leacock, Economist (1944) |