He was afflicted by the thought that where Beauty was, nothing ever ran quite straight, which no doubt, was why so many people looked on it as immoral.
Mahmoud Abbas, Statesman (1935) |
Marcus Allen, Athlete (1960) |
Wilhelm Backhaus, Musician (1884) |
Todd Barry, Comedian (1964) |
James Caan, Actor (1940) |
Joseph Campbell, Author (1904) |
Richard Dawkins, Scientist (1941) |
Vine Deloria, Jr., Author (1933) |
Ernst Engel, Economist (1821) |
Jon English, Musician (1949) |
Josef Albers, Artist (1976) |
Katharine Lee Bates, Author (1929) |
James Callaghan, Leader (2005) |
Randy Castillo, Musician (2002) |
Geraldine Ferraro, Politician (2011) |
David Lloyd George, Statesman (1945) |