“All good actors are very bright. You can't be stupid and a good actor. You may be inarticulate, you may not be highly educated, but all good actors are quick-witted, some of them dazzlingly so. All you do is guide them.”
Dana Delany, Actress (1956) |
Abigail Fillmore, First Lady (1798) |
Janet Flanner, Journalist (1892) |
Augustus Hare, Writer (1834) |
George Jessel, Judge (1824) |
Sydney Carter, Poet (2004) |
Clarence Darrow, Lawyer (1938) |
Hans-Georg Gadamer, Philosopher (2002) |
Benjamin Harrison, President (1901) |
Garson Kanin, Playwright (1999) |
Krzysztof Kieslowski, Director (1996) |