Cicero, in his treatise concerning the Nature of the Gods, having said that three Jupiters were enumerated by theologians, adds that the third was of Crete, the son of Saturn, and that his tomb is shown in that island.
Every day I look forward to getting with my instruments, trying new things.
Nelson Algren, Novelist (1909) |
Steve Ballmer, Businessman (1956) |
Russell Banks, Author (1940) |
Rick Barry, Athlete (1944) |
Daniel Dennett, Philosopher (1942) |
Richard Eyre, Director (1943) |
Lady Gaga, Musician (1986) |
Nafisa Joseph, Model (1978) |
Karen Kain, Dancer (1951) |
Corliss Lamont, Philosopher (1902) |
Dwight D. Eisenhower, President (1969) |
Dorothy Fields, Musician (1974) |
William Christopher Handy, Musician (1958) |
Eugene Ionesco, Dramatist (1994) |
Emmett Kelly, Entertainer (1979) |
Stephen Leacock, Economist (1944) |