Books, like proverbs, receive their chief value from the stamp and esteem of the ages through which they have passed.
I guess when Rick is finished with his Journey to the Centre of the Earth, then we might have a go at something. We'd like to, we're open to it, and we've been talking about it.
Sammy Baugh, Athlete (1914) |
Brittany Daniel, Actress (1976) |
William Gibson, Writer (1948) |
Mia Hamm, Athlete (1972) |
Jean Ingelow, Poet (1820) |
James Irwin, Astronaut (1930) |
Bobby Jones, Athlete (1902) |
Rob Kardashian, Celebrity (1987) |
Katie Ledecky, Athlete (1997) |
Fred Allen, Comedian (1956) |
Capucine, Actress (1990) |
Haldan Keffer Hartline, Scientist (1983) |
Anna Jameson, Writer (1860) |
Louis Kahn, Architect (1974) |
George F. Kennan, Historian (2005) |