Now I am near to the getting of my crown, which shall be sure; for I bless the Lord, and desire all of you to bless Him that He hath brought me here, and makes me triumph over devils, and men, and sin: they shall wound me no more.
Harry Banks, Soldier (1896) |
Rene Daumal, Writer (1908) |
Jenny Eclair, Comedian (1960) |
Erik Estrada, Actor (1949) |
Tommy Flanagan, Musician (1930) |
Flavor Flav, Musician (1959) |
Victor Garber, Actor (1949) |
Alexi Giannoulias, Politician (1976) |
Ron Kind, Politician (1963) |
Derek Harold Richard Barton, Scientist (1998) |
Thomas Dewey, Politician (1971) |
Ralph Erskine, Architect (2005) |