It means, people who are in high and responsible positions, if they go against righteousness, righteousness itself will get transformed into a destroyer.
I drive out to this quail farm, where I get a lot of these incredible quail eggs, which I eat all day long. And I eat a lot of superfoods like goji, cacao and chia seeds, things like that. And I like unpasteurised milk of the goat and the sheep. They send it once a week from Pennsylvania, from the A
John Amery, Politician (1912) |
Les Baxter, Musician (1922) |
Michael Caine, Actor (1933) |
Jasper Carrott, Comedian (1945) |
Gene Cernan, Astronaut (1934) |
Albert Einstein, Physicist (1879) |
Taylor Hanson, Musician (1983) |
Quincy Jones, Musician (1933) |
Steve Kanaly, Actor (1946) |
Hank Ketcham, Cartoonist (1920) |
Edward Abbey, Author (1989) |
Howard Aiken, Scientist (1973) |
George Eastman, Inventor (1932) |
Fannie Lou Hamer, Activist (1977) |