Hear the words of prudence, give heed unto her counsels, and store them in thine heart; her maxims are universal, and all the virtues lean upon her; she is the guide and the mistress of human life.
They're still considered Olympic eligibles, so there's never an issue whether they're going to turn pro or not. When they get to that level, money is never an issue. They make so much money now.
Robert T. Bakker, Scientist (1945) |
Joseph Barbera, Cartoonist (1911) |
Joel Barlow, Poet (1754) |
Thomas Dewey, Politician (1902) |
R. Lee Ermey, Soldier (1944) |
Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Poet (1919) |
Dario Fo, Playwright (1926) |
Alyson Hannigan, Actress (1974) |
John Harrison, Inventor (1693) |
David Irving, Author (1938) |
Alexander Alekhine, Celebrity (1946) |
Walter Bagehot, Author (1877) |
John Harrison, Inventor (1776) |
Arne Jacobsen, Architect (1971) |