You stick a credit card in a machine, and you pay $3 or whatever it is to get cash - your own money.
It's dangerous to think too much about how a film will be received. Filmmaking is not a popularity contest. Some would disagree.
Ansel Adams, Photographer (1902) |
Edward Albert, Actor (1951) |
Robert Altman, Director (1925) |
Lauren Ambrose, Actress (1978) |
Charles Barkley, Athlete (1963) |
Anthony Davis, Composer (1951) |
Greg Garrison, Director (1924) |
Jackie Gleason, Actor (1916) |
Edward H. Harriman, Businessman (1848) |
Brion James, Actor (1945) |
Rene Cassin, Judge (1976) |
Sandra Dee, Actress (2005) |
Alexander Haig, Public Servant (2010) |