The histories which we have of the great tragedy give no idea of the general wretchedness, the squalid misery, which entered into every individual life in the region given up to the war. Where the armies camped the destruction was absolute.
If I cut an album now and sell it for ten bucks, I can put seven dollars and fifty cents in my pocket.
Robert T. Bakker, Scientist (1945) |
Joseph Barbera, Cartoonist (1911) |
Joel Barlow, Poet (1754) |
Thomas Dewey, Politician (1902) |
R. Lee Ermey, Soldier (1944) |
Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Poet (1919) |
Dario Fo, Playwright (1926) |
Alyson Hannigan, Actress (1974) |
John Harrison, Inventor (1693) |
David Irving, Author (1938) |
Alexander Alekhine, Celebrity (1946) |
Walter Bagehot, Author (1877) |
John Harrison, Inventor (1776) |
Arne Jacobsen, Architect (1971) |