We must remember that democracy works when given time to develop, mature and deliver. People must have access to information for informed debate. Government institutions must treat citizens fairly, and with dignity, while responding to their needs.
Nelson Algren, Novelist (1909) |
Steve Ballmer, Businessman (1956) |
Russell Banks, Author (1940) |
Rick Barry, Athlete (1944) |
Daniel Dennett, Philosopher (1942) |
Richard Eyre, Director (1943) |
Lady Gaga, Musician (1986) |
Nafisa Joseph, Model (1978) |
Karen Kain, Dancer (1951) |
Corliss Lamont, Philosopher (1902) |
Dwight D. Eisenhower, President (1969) |
Dorothy Fields, Musician (1974) |
William Christopher Handy, Musician (1958) |
Eugene Ionesco, Dramatist (1994) |
Emmett Kelly, Entertainer (1979) |
Stephen Leacock, Economist (1944) |