They're pushing credit cards. They don't take Visa, but they do take American Express, or they don't take this one, but they take that one, or you'd better bring this one, or if you forget who you are, look on your credit card; it will be there.
North Carolina is strong because our people are strong. They define our state - by their hard work, commitment to their families and neighbors, their willingness to sacrifice so that their children can have a chance to forge their own path.
Billy Baldwin, Designer (1963) |
William Baldwin, Actor (1963) |
Jeanne Calment, Celebrity (1875) |
Mary Chapin Carpenter, Musician (1958) |
Tyne Daly, Actress (1946) |
Anthony Daniels, Actor (1946) |
Leo Delibes, Composer (1836) |
Jonathan Safran Foer, Writer (1977) |
David Geffen, Businessman (1943) |
Hubert De Givenchy, Designer (1927) |
Clifton Daniel, Editor (2000) |
Kurt Eisner, Politician (1919) |
Margot Fonteyn, Dancer (1991) |
Tom Glazer, Musician (2003) |
Robert Hall, Clergyman (1831) |
Guillermo Cabrera Infante, Novelist (2005) |