I believe if more American children read the Ten Commandments and are taught what they mean, they will predictably engage in less crime.
In should be the duty of every soldier to reflect on the experiences of the past, in the endeavor to discover improvements, in his particular sphere of action, which are practicable in the immediate future.
Abdallah II, Leader (1962) |
King Abdullah II, Statesman (1962) |
Peter Agre, Scientist (1949) |
Lloyd Alexander, Writer (1924) |
Saul Alinsky, Activist (1909) |
John Baldacci, Politician (1955) |
Christian Bale, Actor (1974) |
Douglas Engelbart, Inventor (1925) |
Gene Hackman, Actor (1930) |
Tom Jenkinson, Musician (1974) |
John Bardeen, Scientist (1991) |
Mahatma Gandhi, Leader (1948) |