A wise man looks upon men as he does on horses; all their comparisons of title, wealth, and place, he consider but as harness.
Back then the cars had a trap door that we could pull open with a chain to check our tire wear.
George Allen, Politician (1952) |
Richie Allen, Athlete (1942) |
Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach, Musician (1714) |
Simon Cameron, Politician (1799) |
Anthony Caro, Sculptor (1924) |
Leslie Fiedler, Critic (1917) |
Otto Hahn, Scientist (1879) |
Kathy Ireland, Model (1963) |
Cheryl James, Musician (1964) |
Constantine Karamanlis, Leader (1907) |
Abu Abbas, Politician (2004) |
Simin Daneshvar, Novelist (2012) |
Billy Eckstine, Musician (1993) |
Alice Thomas Ellis, Writer (2005) |
John Ericsson, Inventor (1889) |
Adam Faith, Musician (2003) |
Millard Fillmore, President (1874) |