I had a longing for ritual, something I could cling to, a routine to make me feel well and contented. I hoped that reading Bible commentaries and theological critiques would nudge me closer to some kind of absolute that I could hold up as a torch to light my way.
It's long been a cliche in Washington that if you hang a lamb chop in your window, guests will come.
Rosalia De Castro, (1837) |
Kristin Davis, Actress (1965) |
Ralph Erskine, Architect (1914) |
Jeff Garcia, Athlete (1970) |
Michael Harrington, Writer (1928) |
Steve Jobs, Businessman (1955) |
Denis Law, Athlete (1940) |
Michel Legrand, Composer (1932) |
John Bachman, Clergyman (1874) |
Robert M. La Follette, Politician (1953) |
Malcolm Forbes, Publisher (1990) |