Personally, I've found one of the more stimulating ways of playing in recent times has been to kind of move outside the free improvised area and work with people who are probably improvisers but they have a particular way of working.
Many people are in a rut and a rut is nothing but a grave - with both ends kicked out.
John Abbott, Statesman (1821) |
Gianni Agnelli, Businessman (1921) |
Edward Albee, Dramatist (1928) |
Jaimie Alexander, Actress (1984) |
Gabriele D'Annunzio, Poet (1863) |
Aaron Eckhart, Actor (1968) |
Tommy Farr, Athlete (1914) |
Barbara Feldon, Actress (1932) |
Steve Finley, Athlete (1965) |
William Foege, Scientist (1936) |
Harold Bauer, Musician (1951) |
John Cazale, Actor (1978) |
Marie Von Ebner-Eschenbach, Novelist (1916) |