I have such happy memories of performing in a choir and I don't think I'd have got where I am today without all that experience. So my advice to young singers is to either join your school or church's choir or find one in your local area. Choral music at any level teaches you so much about musicians
Jack Henry Abbott, Author (1944) |
Ethan Allen, Revolutionary (1738) |
Paul Allen, Businessman (1953) |
Francis Bacon, Philosopher (1561) |
Roger Nash Baldwin, Activist (1884) |
Geena Davis, Actress (1956) |
Mac Davis, Musician (1942) |
Ashton Eaton, Athlete (1988) |
Jill Eikenberry, Actress (1947) |
Wolfman Jack, Entertainer (1938) |
John Kendrick Bangs, Author (1922) |
Cecil B. DeMille, Producer (1959) |
Evan G. Galbraith, Diplomat (2008) |
Erroll Garner, Musician (1977) |
Henry Hallam, Historian (1859) |
Peggy Lee, Musician (2002) |
Vladimir Lenin, Leader (1924) |