If you are successful, it is because somewhere, sometime, someone gave you a life or an idea that started you in the right direction. Remember also that you are indebted to life until you help some less fortunate person, just as you were helped.
I don't want to fight aging; I want to take good care of myself, but plastic surgery and all that? I'm not interested.
Josef Albers, Artist (1888) |
William Allingham, Poet (1821) |
Wyatt Earp, Public Servant (1848) |
Al Edwards, Politician (1937) |
Adolf Eichmann, Criminal (1906) |
James Van Fleet, Soldier (1892) |
Adolf Galland, Soldier (1912) |
Neil LaBute, Director (1963) |
Thomas Bailey Aldrich, Poet (1907) |
Arthur Balfour, Statesman (1930) |
John DeLorean, Businessman (2005) |
Frank Lane, Businessman (1981) |