I don't like lifts and will walk up 20 flights of stairs if I have to. Crowded rooms make me uncomfortable, too, although I can sing to a stadium full of thousands of people no bother.
I venture to allude to the impression which seemed generally to prevail among their brethren across the seas, that the Old Country must wake up if she intends to maintain her old position of pre-eminence in her colonial trade against foreign competitors.
John C. Calhoun, Statesman (1782) |
Jerry Cantrell, Musician (1966) |
Edgar Cayce, Celebrity (1877) |
Manly Hall, Philosopher (1901) |
Queen Latifah, Musician (1970) |
Odysseas Elytis, Writer (1996) |
King Farouk, Royalty (1965) |